Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pearl Jam secret performance leads to meltdown leads to discovery...


Due to Pearl Jam playing a 'private' gig for Target-only employees at Target Center today...I had an official (Pearl Jam fanclub member) meltdown.

Un/fortunately, I'm not a Target employee so I could not see them play, but because my best friend is a Target employee I had play-by-play info via text messaging. I was so jealous I cried like those tween girls you see on Time info-mercials watching the Beatles.

How much Pearl Jam stalking did I do today thinking they would play at a local club instead of flying the private Target jet straight back to Seattle?

How much breathing did you do today?

There's your answer. Scared of me?

Yeah, pretty much everyone else is when I reveal the Pearl Jam obsession.

Guess what I did find out?

If you Google Pearl Jam and Minneapolis...

Pistola Whipped is the second thingie to come up!!!!

I think it's because of that interview I did with Charles Manson when he posed as Teddie Vedder, the lead singer of a Pearl Jam cover band, which is found earlier in this blog.

No matter what, this is truly one of my greatest achievements in life.

Yours very truly,
Pearljamola Whipped

1 comment:

delia's dad said...

I had the guys over last night. We made grilled cheese and puff pastries. It was awesome.
Did you happen to see McCready on Jimmy Fallon on Monday night?